Husband lies and hides things
Husband lies and hides things

He tries to cover up but now I find it difficult to believe anything and have this urge to cross-check and it is affecting our relationship. Even when he knows he is lying, he cannot help himself. Sometimes it is because he doesn’t want to hurt me, at other times because his ego wouldn’t let him own up. He lies about the small things and the big things. A qualified therapist can assist in pulling this apart, understanding it, and changing the way you relate to each other.“My husband is a great father and a very caring husband, he is responsible. The drinking is only a part of the complex dynamic in your marriage. What do you need to happen in order to want to remain in the marriage? What does he need? Does he let you know what isn't okay with him? He might have trouble saying these things. You have to decide what's more important is it really the number of beers, or is it something else. "I won't count your beers, but I can't tolerate lying". Lay your expectations out really clearly. What concrete supportive methods can you use with his agreement? Can we get the alcohol out of the house? Is he willing to seek treatment? What are your goals for alcohol and how can I support you in that more effectively?" I'd like to see you in a place where you're not micromanaging his drinking, but focusing on the things that affect you. It sounds like "I've tried to support you in your drinking less, and it's not working. There's a conversation that would be helpful here. But the problem is it makes it worse the more he avoids you, then more you chase him with your questions. My guess is he has few other ways to cope with stress, so he checks out with alcohol, and it also helps him avoid your relationship. When he drinks does he drive, act aggressively, or 'check out of' the relationship (avoid you)? All of these things are legitimate concerns, and I'd stick to talking about those rather than counting beers. If he's passing out, that's a legitimate complaint.

husband lies and hides things

You've mentioned snoring, which I guess is a legitimate complaint. How does his drinking affect you? That's where your voice has power, rather than in counting his beers or setting him up to lie (when he's passed out, asking if he's been drinking seems confusing). Ultimately, as an adult, he gets to decide what he puts in his mouth and if you try to manage that by monitoring how many beers he has, you are pretty certain to get some fallout. Underneath that, maybe it's "I want to stop but I'm ashamed that I can't and I don't want you to see my failures". "I get to make my own decisions and you can't stop me" might be it. Your husband's lying is sending a message. It sounds more like you're talking about an out-of-control teenager than your partner. His behaviour is passive aggressive and immature, which puts you into this position of having to act like a disapproving parent. He says he's willing to cut back on the drinking, but he drinks and hides it. So your husband is giving you mixed messages. He is a good husband in every other regard. I just feel like I'm so honest with him about everything, and I expect the same honesty. I went into our room to sleep, leaving him on the couch. I asked if he had been drinking, but he snapped and said no.

husband lies and hides things

I asked him if he'd come to bed with me (when he drinks, he snores and I cannot sleep-it's a dead giveaway he's been drinking).

husband lies and hides things

He was passed out on the couch when I decided to wake him up and confront him (poor timing, but I couldn't wait). It took a couple of days, but tonight, I discovered a few were missing along with a shot of vodka. The other night, I counted the beers in the fridge just to see if some were missing. He was on board-no more drinking every night. For our New Year’s resolution, we decided we were going to limit our alcohol consumption. Lately, my husband has been drinking on and off, but I noticed it was every single night.

husband lies and hides things

He admitted and apologized and promised he wouldn't do it again. I confronted him and he lied, but I told him I knew he was lying because I counted the beers in the fridge and four of them were missing. I caught him one night drinking behind my back. A while back (3 years ago), I asked him to stop drinking so much, and he agreed. My husband has had issues with alcohol addiction in the past (he'd never admit to this).

Husband lies and hides things